Rattle & Rant- Jan/Feb - Tuesday's - 1pm
Perfect follow on from Baby massage
Service Description
Rattle & Rant is a course to support babies transitioning out of the Newborn phase. Suitable from approximately 5 months+ active crawlers Over this 4 Week course we will explore ways to support their sensory exploration and bodily movement. Through different themes: Rainbow All about me (you..) Nature Animals Rock n Roll Space Each class will take you and your baby on a new adventure exploring a different theme through sensory play. Classes include: music, nursery rhymes, bubbles, lights, parachute play, baby massage/yoga and a touch of mess free messy play and most importantly you will have a chance to connect (rant!) in a safe space.
Cancellation Policy
Hey! Thank you booking onto a Little Yoga Warriors Course. Before booking please make sure you read these terms and conditions. Link below: https://www.littleyogawarriors.co.uk/terms
Contact Details
Little Yoga Warriors, Watling St, Will Adams Way, Gillingham, UK
+ 07917842780